This Is Not A Journaling Class (Apr 23rd-Jun 25th 2024)

This Is Not A Journaling Class (Apr 23rd-Jun 25th 2024)

$299.00 every month for 3 months

Join BWC Teaching Assistant Misha Sumar this Spring for a weekly Virtual Writing Circle designed to help you show up on the page with the clarity, support, and accountability your creative practice is craving. This is a simple class for complicated people who need to get unstuck STAT. Think of each session as a rigorous workout for your left brain featuring creative visualizations, on-demand prompts, and off-the-cuff exercises that will both invigorate and engage your narrative flow. You’ll be challenged to write on cue, read your work aloud, and lean into the depths of your darkest imagination — no truth is too scary, dark, wild, or off-limits. The goal is to get you hooked into a routine writing practice that will eventually fuel and sustain a long-term project. You’ll leave with a journal full of stories, a creative toolkit, and a community of like-minds that will make your writing practice fun, approachable, and way less scary than before. No previous experience is required.

What You’ll Get:

  • 10 Classes with Misha Sumar

  • Action Partner activities each week

  • Access to a Virtual Creative Community

  • An invitation to the BWC Google Group, a digital community where you can connect with other students about all things writing-related

TUESDAYS: April 23rd, 30th, May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, June 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

9:30AM ET - 12:30PM ET
